Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Accidental Songs

No, not songs with accidentals in them (well, maybe...).  Sorry.  Music joke.

What I mean is, sometimes you set out to write a song and really work and work at it and take a year to finish it.

And then sometimes the songs, they seem to write themselves.

This one came to me at about 3 AM a week ago, and I have had to put pedal to the metal to get it recorded and make a video in time for the end of summer vacation.  Talk about down to the wire; the teachers go back for prep tomorrow, which means I have less than 12 hours left, several of which I darn well plan to spend eating tacos on the beach (seriously, this was a requisite for my deadline).

Again, thanks to Adam for his participation--especially the idea to use a cheese grater as a percussion instrument.

Enjoy, and Happy Back to School!

Monday, August 5, 2013

A "Song" About the Five Senses

So, this started out as a funny idea and turned into a really elaborate music video project.

Anyhow, it was meant to simply be a(n honorific!) Daft Punk parody about the five senses, but realizing that I didn't know how to make any kind of synthesized music, I took a page out of my middle school music teacher's book.  Mr. Moody, as those of you who were lucky enough to attend Cutler Middle School in the early 90's know, was the class music and choir teacher there, and I just thought he was the coolest guy ever.  At any rate, he told us the story of how he had to use a synthesizer in college for a music composition class, and at a loss to make the confounded thing work, he instead recorded acoustic sounds (a rubber band stretching, dragging a quarter across the steel string of a bass guitar, etc.) to create kind of synth-y sounds.  He played us the composition, and it was amazing the kind of electric sound that was achieved using entirely acoustic recordings.

So the memory of that story gave me the idea to do a similar creation.  With the exception of the digital metronome (which I left in because it sounded like an old Atari game) everything you hear is either vocals which have been affected with pitch changes and vocoder, or me banging against a coffee cup with an eggbeater (also affected with pitch changes and  vocoder).  At any rate, I don't know if what I made is exactly music, or even pleasant to listen to, but it sure is interesting and it sure was time-consuming to make (as was the video, which is essentially a slide show of heavily edited photos, with the exception of the short video toward the end where I pay homage to 'daft hands').

I hope you enjoy watching it.  I sure had fun making it.

--P.S. --  Props to my longtime colleague, Stephane, for the idea to use an apple.