Thursday, July 25, 2013

Sometimes I make music...

I'm a dabbler.  I dabble in music, I dabble in writing, I dabble in writing music.  I dabble in playing ukulele and eggshaker, and using the back of a guitar as a makeshift bongo drum.  I dabble in Audacity and I dabble in Windows Movie Maker.

This is an amateur recording, the first of (what will hopefully become) an album of songs written for teachers, parents, and students.

I give you    The Vowel Song  (youtube link)

(commence potty humor*

*disclaimer:  this song is not intended to instruct youngsters on the depth and breadth of vowels and their applications;  vowel mastery takes years of meditation, study, and practice.  This song is merely meant to be a celebration of vowels and their awesomeness.  I hope this music helps you to discover a greater appreciation and adoration for these under-appreciated letters.